
Jessica’s Bookshelf – The Alter Ego Effect by Todd Herman

One of my personal and professional goals in 2021 is to read 25 books

One thing I’ve learned about myself through the years is I GROW through reading. When I’m reading I’m growing…when I’m not reading I’m not growing.⁠⠀
This year, instead of just sharing with you in December all of the books I read (aka listen to) throughout the year, I’m going to share a little book review as I go. I hope you enjoy embarking on this journey with me!

So, to begin…the first book I read in 2021 was The Alter Ego Effect by Todd Herman

The Alter Ego Effect by Todd Herman

⁠For me, reading this book was a uniquely interesting experience. I started reading The Alter Ego Effect in December- before I had a stroke. And, I finished reading in January- after the stroke.

When I started this book I found the concept fascinating. I was drawn to the idea of tapping into a character that will harness my ability to become the person I want to be (in any arena…work…marriage etc) while simultaneously suppressing some of my fears in that same arena. In fact, I had started exploring this idea as a way to deepen my relationships. (Think Beyonce and Sasha Fierce…if that means nothing to you..look her up!)

Then…I had a stroke.

One of the effects of the stroke and subsequent seizure was that I actually became a version of an alter ego. Some of my deepest personality traits – the things I have suppressed – came to the surface. Some of my greatest dreams and fantastical hopes came to the surface. And this was all outside of my control.

I became very aware that I have a deep desire for a lot more color, a little more spontaneity and a lot less worry.

I continued reading the book and now had a much different perspective on what my “Alter Ego” could mean.

I’ve since spent lot of time in conversation and meditation on this topic and I highly recommend this book as a way to start some questions and conversations for yourself!
If you have read or do read this book I’d love to hear your thoughts! Please feel free to post your comments below

“Cary Grant once said, “I pretended to be somebody I wanted to be until finally, I became that person. Or he became me.”
― Todd Herman, The Alter Ego Effect: The Power of Secret Identities to Transform Your Life


The Alter Ego Effect by Todd Herman

The Alter Ego Effect by Todd Herman


I hope that you follow along this year as I share the books I read for personal, profession and spiritual growth!
